What Is Public Health?

        This is brief summary of the received article. Health can be defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. More specifically, population health is associated with not only the definition of measuring health outcomes like physical and psychosocial functioning, complications resulting from disease and/or medical care, quality of life, etc. but the pattern of certain health determinants, such as medical care, genetics, individual behavior, as well as certain features of both the social that are culture, education, employment, income, etc. and physical environments are urban design, clean air and water, etc. According to the American Public Health Association, public health “promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play.” This includes, but is not limited to, disease outbreak surveillance, prevention of injuries, and research as to the reasoning why some people are more susceptible to poor health outcomes than others health.
        The key word here is “prevention.” Therefore, in order to prevent problems from happening or recurring, public health professionals work tirelessly to promote healthcare equity, quality and accessibility. Some strategies used to accomplish this include the development and implementation of community-based educational programs, recommending and advocating for policies, administration of services, and conducting evidence-based research to limit health disparities. This is in contrast to clinical professionals, such as physicians and nurses, who focus primarily on tertiary care; that is, treating individuals after they become ill or injured. There are a number of distinctions that one can make to differentiate between public health and the clinical setting. For instance, physicians are licensed healthcare professionals who diagnose and treat individual patients when they present with a specific illness or injury.
        In fact, as the worldwide population grows at a rate of nearly 70 million each year, every public health crisis becomes all that much more threatening. With this in mind, a call for action is not only necessary, but also imperative. This includes increased federal, state and local funding for public health research; developing strategies for effective communication to make a compelling voice for public health efforts in the community; and implementing public health regulations, policies and laws that are not only culturally-sensitive, but are tailored to the populations to which they are intended to serve.

URL: http://scifed.com/scifed-journal-of-public-health/   


        SciFed Journal of Public Health is an open access; peer-reviewed journal the main aim of journal is to publish original and quality work. The public Health Journal invites submission of papers on any aspect of public Health and is published on behalf of the faculty of Public Health journal considers articles on the epidemiology of disease and the understanding of all aspects of public health. The journal has a special focus on the social determinants of health, the environmental, occupational, and behavioural correlates of health and disease, and the impact of health policies, practices and interventions on the community. It also focused in Global Health and it describes the social and individual factors determining the basic conditions of public health, analysing causal interrelations, and offering a scientifically sound rationale for personal, health economics, environmental health, management, social sciences, ethics, and law. It is aimed at all public health practitioners, researchers, and those who manage and deliver public health services and systems. It will also be of interest to anyone involved in provision of public health programmes, the care of populations or communities and those who contribute to public health systems in any way.
      SciFed journal of public health starts on 2017, month of May. Journal having strong and Adequate Editorial Board. Our Editorial Board Has Constructing with active and eminent people, special Persons as if Mehdi Sohrabi was shared IAEA 2005 Nobel Prize and DG Distinguished Service Award, Mahendra Pal is known as Father of Veterinary Mycology in India, Prashant Pandya monitored and conducted more than 200 national and global studies and has hands-on experience in the complete drug development process. Robert Clegg Master of Public Health at Fresno State, and a Doctorate in Human Services with an emphasis in Healthcare Administration from Capella University in Minneapolis Young Lee is a professor of mathematics at Manchester University her research interests are mathematical biology. We have Addis Ababa University, University of Ioannina, Albert Einstein School of Medicine, Newyork University School of Medicine, University of Tokyo universities peoples in our Editorial Board.
        SciFed Journal of Public health Ready Release First issue as soon. We are conducting Strict and Valuable Review on Submitted Papers finally we Released original and essential work.
URL: http://scifed.com/journal-of-public-health/index.php

Health Promotion

The SciFed Journal of Public Health is an open access and peer reviewed journal. It publishes Innovative research articles, review articles, editorial articles, and short communications, case reports and opinion articles and notes dealing with the health related issues. Public health refers to "The science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting human health through organized efforts and informed choices of society, public and private, communities and individuals”. It Deals with various branches like public health nutrition, were it focuses on promotion of good health through nutrition and the primary prevention of nutrition related illness in the population. It concentrates on understanding the general and reproductive status of women, the determinants of their health status and preventive strategies to address women’s health and wellbeing, as well as the health of their newborns. It also helps in making the world better place by improving health and health care which includes solving important problems like making the delivery of care safer and more efficient, expanding health insurance coverage and elimination disparities and to design and improve the entire health systems. It even deals with the technology, which is applied in an organized way to use in the form of devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures and systems known as health technology. It also deals with the connection between environment and people, promotes human health and wellbeing, and fosters healthy and safe communities.
Environmental health is a key part of any comprehensive public health systems, it deals with reducing chemical and other environmental exposures in air, water, soil and food to protect people and provide communication with healthier environments. Sanitary engineering also plays a part in public health as an application of engineering methods to improve sanitation of human communities, primarily by providing the removal and disposal of human waste and in addition to the supply of safe potable water. It also deals with branches like Population dynamics, Parasitology, entomology, biochemistry, microbiology, mycology, biostatics, geography and earth sciences, dental public health, veterinary public health, global health care economics.Waterborne diseases, Diabetes Public Health, Public health practice, Disease prevention, Public health ethics, and Public health audit, Suicide prevention, Evolutionary psychology.
The usual times related to all publication processes of the Public Health Research Journal are as follows: From manuscript receipt to peer-review, from initial manuscript acceptance with revisions to return of the revised manuscript from the authors, from return of the revised manuscript from the authors to final acceptance, final acceptance to an article in press from article in press designation to formal release of the electronic version and all online documentation.
URL - http://scifed.com/journal-of-public-health/index.php

Public Health

SciFed Journal of Public Health mainly focuses in the areas of promotion of healthy behaviors, communities and environments and others, either during an outbreak of infectious disease or through contamination of food or water supplies. The journal covers a wide range of themes associated to encompasses areas as wideranging as epigenetics, chronic disease, the science of aging, mental health, disaster response, refugee health, injury prevention and tobacco control etc.,